Apply for the Residency Program in Småland for authors!

Region Jönköping is now looking for visiting authors for AiR Småland

Through AiR Småland, Region Jönköping county want to provide an opportunity for authors to devote themselves to their writing and are now looking for published authors from the rest of Sweden, the Nordic countries and internationally. The residency provides opportunities for inspiration and exchange of culture and knowledge to strengthen the independent cultural scene and enrich the cultural life through new interactions.

About Air Småland

AiR Småland is a residency program run by Region Jönköping County, with support from the Swedish Arts Council. The purpose of the program is to strengthen the independent cultural scene, cultural practitioners, and institutions in Jönköping County while enriching the region’s cultural life through interactions with guest residents from Sweden and around the world.

AiR Småland welcomes authors in residence based on the motivation of the applicant on their thoughts on the residency in relation to their artistic practice.

Practical Information

The residency takes place for three months, from September to November 2025.

A grant of 60,000 SEK in total is paid for the entire period for the selected visiting artist, and Region Jönköping County also covers travel up to 5,000 SEK to and from the region, as well as travel within the county during the residency. Additionally, Region Jönköping County provides accommodation in Jönköping and a workspace at Jönköpings Litteraturhus (Jönköping’s House of Litteracy) for the entire period.

As a visiting artist in residence, you are expected to:

  • Participate in at least one public event, in consultation with the local artist in residence and Jönköpings Litteraturhus, during the residency period.
  • Meet other artists connected to the local resident and Jönköpings Litteraturhus during the residency period.
  • Write a short text about your experience (maximum two A4 pages).
  • Agree that we may use your work in our communication about the project.
  • Allow yourself to be photographed and potentially appear in film for the documentation and marketing of AiR Småland.
  • The recipients are required to spend at least 3/4 of the time on-site during the residency period.


Applicants for the residency period September–November 2025 should be educated and/or established in the literary field.

Please submit your application as one (1) PDF. Your application should include:
• A resume with information about 3–5 relevant works
• A description of your authorship (approximately 300 words)
• A proposal of what you intend to work on during the residency (approximately 300 words)

The deadline for applications is 23rd of April 2025. Notification of selection will be sent out in mid-May.

Read more about AiR Småland for authors in residence and apply here

Application for visiting artist in residence – AiR Småland literature 


Christel Molin
Project Manager, AiR Småland
+46 (0)72-224 07 26