Exciting New Residency Program in Småland for Artists and Authors– Apply now!


AiR Småland is a new residency program run by the Cultural Development Section of Region Jönköping County, with support from the Swedish Council for Cultural Affairs. The goal is to provide space and time for artistic development by offering residency in the county. The residencies are provided through residency scholarships for visiting artists in residence who will be welcomed by a local scholarship recipient/host and where both will be given opportunities to focus on artistic investigative work as well as opportunities for inspiration and in-depth studies within their field. The residence must be linked to the opportunities provided by the location and in accordance with the wishes of the local scholarship recipient/host. The purpose of AiR Småland is to support the community for independent arts, cultural operators and institutions of Jönköping County, while the county’s cultural life is stimulated by the exchange with visiting artists in residence.

AiR Småland will welcome artists in residence who are active in the artistic fields of literature, dance, art and design as well as film. For the first residency, which takes place between 9 September – 9 December 2024, the focus is going to be on literature.

Jönköping county is now looking for both local scholarship recipients/hosts and visiting artists in residence for AiR Småland. Scholarships for the period are awarded to both parties.

Local scholarship recipients/hosts in the field of literature

The project is looking for published authors based in Jönköping County who, in collaboration with local operators within the community for independent arts and institutions in the county, would like to receive visiting artists in residence in the field of literature during the above period for 2024. All authors active in Jönköping County who are able to receive and host a visiting resident author for three months during the autumn of 2024 can apply. Organisations with literary activities can also apply to be hosts and the scholarship amount will then be paid as a grant. As a local scholarship recipient/host, you can also nominate artists in residence within the announced field by encouraging interesting artists to apply for the residency program.

The deadline for applications is 31 May 2024.

Read more about what it means to be a local scholarship recipient/host and apply here

Visiting authors in residence

Through AiR Småland Jönköping county want to provide an opportunity for authors to devote themselves to their writing and are now looking for published authors from the rest of Sweden, the Nordic countries and internationally. The residency focuses on artistic investigative work and provides opportunities for inspiration and in-depth studies and is aimed at authors from all literary genres: novels/stories, poetry and drama.

The deadline for applications is 31 May 2024.

Read more about AiR Småland for authors in residence and apply here