ERIAFF Plant based proteins

10:00 Welcome & Introduction

Regional co-leaders

10:05 Part 1: focus on regional developments in plant-proteins

–          Introducing the Dutch “Green Deal Plant-based Proteins”

Hillebrand Koning, Flevoland, Netherlands

–          Organising the plant-based proteins sector in Centre-Val de Loire: a growing priority in our territory
Pol Billon, Brussels representative, Centre Val de Loire Region

–          Proteins in Flanders: presenting the protein strategy and the work of Agrolink
Sophie Waegebaert, Agrolink, Flanders


11:00 Part 2: future steps of the working group

Mentimeter survey on upcoming European funding opportunities and future developments of the working group.

Open discussion with the participants

11:25-11:30 Closing remarks

Regional co-leaders


För anmälan, kontakta Linda.

Tidpunkt: 2021-10-21 10:00 - 2021-10-21 11:30