How Copernicus helps European regions to better preserve and grow Europe’s forests
The Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies (NEREUS) together with the European Commission and the European Space Agency organise a webinar as part of the Copernicus4Regions initiative.
The Copernicus4Regions initiative looks at how different regions in Europe have managed to deal with common challenges, presents the benefits of the Copernicus programme and encourages more regions to get involved in the Copernicus ecosystem.
The session focusing on forests is the first in a series of five webinars planned to take place between September and December 2021.
The webinars will encourage online discussion on the dimension of Copernicus for the green and digital transition in Europe, focusing on five different themes. The participants will have a chance to learn how public administrations use Copernicus to benefit their territories, citizens and public policies in the context of the European Green Deal. Copernicus users and experts, EU representatives, members of regional administrations, regional stakeholders and politicians will take part in the events.
Learn more about the webinar series and register here.
Tidpunkt: 2021-09-23 10:00 - 2021-09-23 11:30